Friday, June 19, 2009

heart: Amy Poehler - hate: twisty ties on kids toys

Since I was driving yesterday, and didn't have time to post, and cupcakes/drivers was intended for yesterday, today there is a double-shot.

I heart Amy Poehler. Shes hilarious, ridiculous, and hot. What's not to like? If you live in a cave (and if so, i'm impressed by your internet access in your cave), she is/was a cast member on SNL (Saturday Night Live for you, cave dweller).

I hate twisty ties on kids toys. Why are there a million of them? 1 won't do?!? come on. it takes so long to get all the twisty ties off the toy, that by the time the toy is fully out of the package and de-twistyfied that your kid is a year older and you're at the next birthday party staring at them holding out another toy for you, of course complete with 100 twisty ties. Its a never ending battle. I'm sort of surprised that they don't super glue the toy to the package, pour in some concrete, deep fry the whole thing, and wrap it in a blueberry crepe.

@Toy Packaging Engineers: U R Gay

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