Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Here i am

I want to blog about things I love and things I hate. Well, hate is a strong word, but things i dislike, a lot.

To start, I hate lolcats. lolcats are lame. people thinking they're funny are lame. if you like lolcats, i think you're lame. Of course, if you like lolcats, you probably dont care what I think, but you should, since i'm the most important person ever.

HA! Take that lolcats!

i DO like laser cats. As opposed to lame lolcats, laser cats actually serve a function: They are weapons. You can shoot people who like lolcats. then there will be less lolcat lovers breeding. Darwinism is a wonderful thing. Also Andy Samberg is just hilarious.

Tune in tomorrow when i discuss: heart-libraries hate-bees

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